Sunday, November 4, 2007

Write for your audience

The first thing you learn in Journalism 101 is to write for your audience. Well, it looks like my audience is a crowd of one, so I'm going to write about my latest fashion, beauty product, and restaurant finds as well as my newest sugary concoctions and awkward situations.

A recent graduate with a degree in journalism doing—shockingly—not journalism, I need every chance I can get to write. So, here it is.


Unknown said...

It's 1.5 hours since you've created this blog, and it's the first blog I've ever signed up for an RSS feed. And I'm required to do that for my job but haven't. And I live with you, so really, there's no reason I should have to read your blog religiously, but I totes obvi will. Cuntsider your audience >1.


Erin said...

Make that an audience of two. Oh, yea, and my mom thinks I'm cool.

T.J.O. said...

Let's make that a party of 3!!!!!